Oh good, you’re here! I’m John and I’m obsessed with optimization, risk reduction, and making better decisions but without any of the bullshit. I value time so I’ll try to make your visit here worth yours.

We listen to what others have to say because their unique talents and worldview helps us see things in new ways and in turn make better decisions. By the time you finish reading a post of mine, I hope to have helped you think about something in a clearer way and to know what some actions are you can take based on your improved outlook.
Ever since I got into the Literacy Conference in 7th grade and got to see my name and story in print in the anthology, I’ve loved writing, — the power you have all by yourself with just a pen and paper (now word processor) in front of you.
Start Here
If you have to read one thing I’ve written, read my Three Buckets and Enjoying Life posts. They provide a framework for how to think about spending your time and money and how to navigate life:
And here’s what is the most important problem humanity faces:
The Apocalypse is Coming or Why I’ve Been Existentially Depressed
For all my posts, visit my blog.
I generally write about self-improvement, life extension, AI safety, film, survival, tech and the future, and personal experiments. My favorite resources on different subjects are here.
I also write flash fiction and short stories you might find interesting. Read them here.
My personal posts are under the memoir tag.
Other posts you’ll definitely like:
Caffeine, Gas, and Plywood Frenzies: How to Prepare for a Hurricane
Are you someone who likes bettering your life and making other people feel good? Of course you are!
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Thoughts, questions, or suggestions for how I can improve? Email me.
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